A proposed development to build 3,000 houses right on the edge of Bucknell Village.
Village Meeting - 10 August 2023
The slides shown at the village meeting on 10 August are available by clicking here
Our immediate call to action is to write to District and County Councillors as well as our MP, asking what will be done about the planning department and the civil servants that work in it. Contact details of who to write to - coming soon
Letter to Cherwell - 14 August 2023
Following the village meeting on 10 August, see here for a copy of the letter sent to Cherwell District Council.
Feel free to use it for inspiration for your own letters to the Planning Committee, the Scrutiny Committee the Chief Executive, your Councillors.
All we ask is that you use your own words to raise concerns - please don't just copy / paste!
Who to Write to at Cherwell - 14 August 2023
Lists of names to write to can be found on the Cherwell website:
Freedom of Information Request - 14 August 2023
Bucknell Parish Council has submitted a Freedom of Information request to Cherwell District Council. The request is for all correspondence between Councillors, their employees (civil servants) and Hallam Land Management (including all parties that have an interest or act as their representatives or delegates) in relation to all planning matters within Cherwell District.
Feel free to submit your own requests
Assuming we get the information that we have requested, we will provide an update in due course.
Comments on Cherwell Plan
When the new draft Cherwell Local Plan is open for consultation, more information will be provided here
HawkHell Action
Further information coming soon